Flowers have always been associated with creating and experiencing emotions, and are used in many different circumstances today. The idea behind flower reading is that you work with the medium via a selection of flowers (which can either be real flowers or specially made flower reading cards). You might be attracted to the appearance, smell or touch of specific flowers, and every flower has its own energy and meaning, all of which is interwoven into a reading by a skilled medium. The medium who's performing the reading uses their special ability to interpret the flowers to give you insights into your life. Also, as the medium speaks to you, a spiritual link may be made with a loved one who has passed over.
Flowers always lighten people's moods and a flower reading seeks to use this energy to create a positive outlook for you. It's hard to explain the full essence of a flower reading in words so, if the idea sounds at all interesting to you, please feel free to come along to one of our flower reading evenings and find out what they can offer you.